Al-Quran Sura Al-Asr (103) the time

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
(1) By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), (2) Verily Man is in loss, (3) Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mapping Kalmunai

Details of the Map


This is the digitized map of Kalmunai Municipal areas,Arc GIS 9 software was used. ICONOS satellite image which was donated by an NGO was taken as the primary data source for the digitizing.

But still at infant stage,the goal is to set "map server" where zooming ,information query,searching can be performed.

Background and Issues related to development

1.0 There are policy issues in the existing area which was already developed irregularly at the time when Kalmunai was brought under UDA , land subdivision has been occurring as small land plots are formed . Minimum size of plot is 6 perch as per UDA national policy , but in SM u find 2-3 even 4 houses in the 6 perch land ...

2.0 width of the internal roads are small, need to widen at least 3 major internal road per village ( for ex- Hospital road ,Al-Hilal road ,Zahira college road , cassim road ,sahibu raod ,KKP road and so on )

3.0 Coastal buffer zone declared after Tsunami has not been planned for any development

when we talk this issues with UDA ( as they are apex authority for planning urban area ) they will tell you about "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" of Kalmunai to solve the issues 1-3 listed above including other major issues ,

issues related to the institutional capacity

-lack of experts and willingness of the experts to station in the Esat
-Lack of data ( survey plans ect)
-Technology ( GIS , software ect )


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