Al-Quran Sura Al-Asr (103) the time

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
(1) By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), (2) Verily Man is in loss, (3) Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

சமுதாய மேம்பாடு பற்றிப் பேசுதல்

உனக்கும் எனக்குமிடையிலான
இடைவெளிகள் குறுகிவிடாதபடி
நீ பூட்டிவைத்திருக்கும்
சிந்தனையைப் பற்றிப் பேசுவதற்கு
நற்கூலியுண்டு .

பதட்டமும் தயக்கமும் மிகுந்து
சீதனப் பற்றிப் பேசும் போது
நீ நழுவும் போதும்
உன் பெயர் முன்னிலைப்படுத்தப்படும் சபைகளில்
நீ ஓங்கி ஒலிக்கும் போதும்
பேராசையின் எச்சல்கள்
உன் அடர்ந்த தாடிக்குள்
மினு மினுப்பதைப் பார்த்திருக்கிறேன் .

மிக உயர்ந்த நாகரிகம் பற்றிய
உனது சிந்தையில் உள்ள
சீர்திருத்தவான்களும் அறிஞர்களும்
இருபத்தி நாலு மணி நேரமும்
தஸ்பமணி உருட்டுபவர்கள்
இஷா உளுவுடன்
முப்பது வருடங்கள் சுப்ஹூ தொழுதவர்கள்
மட்டுமே என்று கூறி
தாடி வைக்காத சில மனிதர்களையும்
முகம் மூடாத பர்தாக்களையும் பழிப்பாய்.

காஸா தெருக்களில்
இஸ்ரேலிய தாங்கிகள் விரைவதைப்பற்றிய
எனது அனுதாபங்களை
தாத்தாரியர்கள் பக்தாதை எப்படி அழித்தார்கள்
அந்தலூசிலிருந்து அராபியர்கள்
எவ்வாறு விரட்டப் பட்டார்கள் என்றும்
அற்புதமாய் விளக்குவாய்
ராத்திரி நீ கேட்ட "பயானி"லிருந்து

பெண்கள் கல்வி பறிக்கப்பட்டதுவும்
புத்தர் சிலைகள் உடைக்கப்பட்டதுமான
ஆட்சி மட்டுமே
சென்ற நூற்றாண்டின்
"ஐடியல் " ஆட்சியென்றாய்

திட்டமிடலும் போராட்டகுணமும்
ஒழுக்கமும் சகிப்புத்தன்மையுமுள்ள
இயக்கங்களும் போராட்டங்களும்
எப்படி திறன்குன்றிப்போகும்
என்று கேட்டப்போது

சமுதாய மாற்றம் பற்றிய
கட்டுக் கதையைப்
பேசுவதாய்க் குறிப்பிட்டாய்

என்னதான் இருந்தாலும் இடைவெளிகள்
சூத்திரங்களுக்குள் அடங்காத
சதை ,பிரச்சார ,வியாபார நெடிகளற்ற
கறுப்புத்துணிபோன்ற இலக்கியத்தை
எம்மிருவருக்கும் பிடித்திருக்கிறது


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ground water pollution in Sainthamaruthu

The above map shows the ground water quality test results. The test was performed by the SEUSL lecturer Mr.M.F.Nawas. I have provided this information to build the awareness

26 wells were monitored for around one year (2004/2005)

1. Top left corner (diagonal) – Nitrate contamination was noted high
Only 4 wells, above recommended value (maximum up around 72 mg L-1, NO3-)

2. Right corner (pink – crescent shape) – Salinity (in terms of Electrical Conductivity) was noted high during dry season
Water samples from 9 – 10 wells, showed higher EC Values than 2000 micro Siemens/cm (maximum, up to 3,600 micro Siemens/cm)

3. Bottom, middle (blue, oval) – E. coli was noted high.
Highest value: - 260 CFU Lowest value: - 10 CFU

As we see the fecal contamination is very high because of the open dumping of the cesspits. Even though the water supply is available we have to conserve the ground water resource to avoid the complete contamination of ground water.

The simplest solution is converting the cesspits into septic tanks or diluting the cesspits by rain water collection and discharge in to cesspits in the areas where converting cesspit is difficult .

The most important aspect of above all is the awareness of the community and legalizing the septic tank for the new buildings . Kalmunai Municipality could not regulate the septic system in the absence of the sludge treatment facility as the septic tanks require emptying operation after 1-3 years depends on the size of the tank.

Now there was a sludge treatment facility constructed and we hope as soon as it will start to function .

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Big Bang give evidence to the existance of God

Big bang
Stephen Hawkins elucidated how big bang would have occurred before billions of years.He denoted in his book "the brief history of time " about the peculiarity of the event.He named this as Big Bang "singularity".

We stop from here and ask a simple question, according to the theory, before big bang there is nothing (time and space)
then where does the energy comes from.
Stephen Hawkins ( one of the eminent scientist of our
period) admits that "god" might have done that!

Might and Wisdom of the God


So this vast and expanding universe is in motion for billions of years because of the sudden explosion. Imagine the energy that came out at zero time ....

Not only the energy ,it was precisely designed otherwise Galaxies would have not been formed big bang is not arbitrary event! it is well engineered event.

Behind that there is a creator who is uncreated ! He is there for ever with full of wisdom knowing every thing

The dilemma of atheists
after the big bang theory emerged it triggered controversy in the steady state belief of the science . If the divine believer tells that god has no beginning and no end , then the atheist tells , so what the universe has no beginning and end that time atheists had some advantage over this ..
steady state perceived by the scientists and they denied creationism under the steady state 'nothing is created as anew but it can only be transformed from one state to another ,,the entire universe is there forever from the billions of trillions of years. Now this concept become a myth and atheists are left with dilemma to accept the creationism.

What Quran says about big bang

The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran:

The sections of this article are:

1- The Universe was formed from hot gaseous in the Noble Quran.
2- The Bible never mentioned anything about the formation of the Universe.
3- Articles and links of official web sites that confirm the Noble Quran's claims.

1- The Universe was formed from hot gaseous in the Noble Quran:

Let us look what Allah Almighty said about the Universe in the Noble Quran:

"Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: 'Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.' They said: 'We do come (together), in willing obedience.' So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge. (The Noble Quran, 41:11-12)"

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (The Noble Quran, 21:30)"

The Arabic word for "sky" in Noble Verse 41:11 above is "samaa", which is the same word used for "heaven" and "Universe". Since the 7 heavens didn't exist yet (because the seven firmaments or heavens were mentioned in the next Noble Verse 41:12), then this CLEARLY MAKES the "samaa" be referring to the Universe, since the heaven was the entire Universe when GOD Almighty "comprehended in His design the sky". He then later divided it into seven firmaments or heavens.

Anyway, as we clearly see above in the Noble Verses, Allah Almighty initially created the Universe or the "samaa" with smoke (Dukhan). Dukhan in Arabic refers to the smoke coming from fire, which is always HOT GAS.

A new star forming out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), which is one of the remnants of the "smoke" that was the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, page 50)
Allah Almighty said: "Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...(The Noble Quran, 41:11)"
The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe
Only Islam claims that the universe was originated from Dust and Hot Gas, or Smoke.

Now as to Noble Verse 21:30 above, according to the Big Bang Theory, the Universe experienced an unbelievable explosion from the hot gases that were forming it, which caused the Universe (which consisted of the ball of gases) to split and expand. The Earth was separated then from the gaseous mass that was forming the Universe. The gases according to the scientific articles below in this article made "the universe be consisted of compact ball of hydrogen -- protons, neutrons, electrons, and their anti-particles -- plus radiation. There were not differentiated planets, stars, suns, galaxies. Five billion years ago, the compact hydrogen soup blasted apart with huge force, matter was hurled in all directions, and the universe doubled in size. This expansion of the universe is still going on." [taken from "Ask Yahoo" web site at]

It is really interesting to know that the Big Bang Theory suggests that the Universe is still expanding until today, because this is EXACTLY what Allah Almighty also claimed in the Noble Quran:

"And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it. (The Noble Quran, 51:47)"

Again, the word "samaa" was used for "firmament". "samaa" as I mentioned above means either "heaven", or "Universe" depending on how it is used. Certainly, the meaning of the word "samaa" in Noble Verse 51:47 is "Universe".

Please visit How could Allah create the world in 6 days if science has proved that the world and universe took millions of years to make?

Also, since Allah Almighty didn't have any names for the explosive gases (such as hydrogen) 1400 years ago, He summed them up by calling them "smoke (dukhan)", which is literally a hot gas. Smoke is also ball-shaped and compacted together while it is hot and in the air. This description perfectly fits what the big bang theory suggests from the shape of the "compact ball" of gases that formed the Universe.

2- The Bible never mentioned anything about the formation of the Universe:

No where in the Bible do we see any mention of the creation of the Universe. The Bible lacks a great deal of information about how GOD Almighty created things.

3- Articles and links of official web sites that confirm the Noble Quran's claims:

The following links and article prove that the Big Bang Theory existed in the Noble Quran 1400 years ago. This page has "Next" button at the bottom of it which continues with the next pages.


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