Al-Quran Sura Al-Asr (103) the time

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
(1) By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), (2) Verily Man is in loss, (3) Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ground water pollution in Sainthamaruthu

The above map shows the ground water quality test results. The test was performed by the SEUSL lecturer Mr.M.F.Nawas. I have provided this information to build the awareness

26 wells were monitored for around one year (2004/2005)

1. Top left corner (diagonal) – Nitrate contamination was noted high
Only 4 wells, above recommended value (maximum up around 72 mg L-1, NO3-)

2. Right corner (pink – crescent shape) – Salinity (in terms of Electrical Conductivity) was noted high during dry season
Water samples from 9 – 10 wells, showed higher EC Values than 2000 micro Siemens/cm (maximum, up to 3,600 micro Siemens/cm)

3. Bottom, middle (blue, oval) – E. coli was noted high.
Highest value: - 260 CFU Lowest value: - 10 CFU

As we see the fecal contamination is very high because of the open dumping of the cesspits. Even though the water supply is available we have to conserve the ground water resource to avoid the complete contamination of ground water.

The simplest solution is converting the cesspits into septic tanks or diluting the cesspits by rain water collection and discharge in to cesspits in the areas where converting cesspit is difficult .

The most important aspect of above all is the awareness of the community and legalizing the septic tank for the new buildings . Kalmunai Municipality could not regulate the septic system in the absence of the sludge treatment facility as the septic tanks require emptying operation after 1-3 years depends on the size of the tank.

Now there was a sludge treatment facility constructed and we hope as soon as it will start to function .

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